Since i have been going through MSCRM accelerators in my free time...i thought of jotting down few important point of MSCRM Analytics accelerator which doesnt match up with the documentation provided by microsoft..I though it could be some help to guys who are going to explore it.. and for me also if i get answers to some of my questions:).. As the word "Analytics" itself makes it clear that its going to generate and display reports that can server your purpose...I found the reports display quite fundoo and cool but there are many things which left me perplexed ..I am going to jot down few important observation of mine ..and also need input from your end to help me configure it...
1. The Analytics was developed using VS2008 and ssr 2008...So though microsoft say the standard rdl provided them would work for both ssr2005 and ssr2008 but ideally it doesnt work in 2005 as many of the properties say like chartcategoryhierarchy are not supported in 2005
2. In Account Executive Dashboard if you notice it considers all the closed deals as won irrespective of the fact whether it is closed as Won or Lost..
3. Similarily if you see the grid displaying open opportunities doesn't fetch the open opportunities even though it exist.....If any one of you can tell me then it would be of great help:)
Technical Problems in Personal "LIFE"
15 years ago